Group Events

on Zoom or in-person

Each ToniaP private session and Wake Up! Works group event is offered in the container of Sanctuary.

See below, and read more about Sanctuary of Divine Presence and Essence.


Hire Tonia P for public talks, readings, workshops and guest speaker engagements with topics based on my life, creative or spiritual work, my books or customized for your audience or event theme.

Sample topics or use your own: Exploring Identity; Breaking the Spell; Breaking the Rules: Truth in the Mirror; Opening the Belief Box; Fearless Self-Awareness; Living from Soul Presence; Improv as a Spiritual Practice.

Fee and focus determined with client. Contact Tonia for details.


Receive Divinely-sourced personal guidance and Frequencies of Light and Sound for your inner growth and healing. Feel the grace, peace and powerful loving presence of your own Higher Self/Essence permeating you with the Love-Light-Truth frequencies of Source.

Group fee: $22 to $33 per person with min. 4, max. 8 people. You may record your own reading. Convener or contact for a group of 5 or more is not included in minimum count and may attend for free if desired. (Also see Private Sessions)


Are you part a group of 4 or more kindred and supportive others who want to learn or go deeper together on a regular basis?

I can teach your group the basics of a successful, ongoing study group using any of the topics or books presented on this site. Or you can use a non-fiction, personal growth book of your choice.

By the end of 4 to 6 Zoom sessions (depending on topic/book), your group will continue on your own with a strong foundation and understanding of effective group communications, interactions and study practices, creating momentum to continue on your own successfully. 

Group fee: $22 per person with minimum of 4 people at each session.




Deep Dive

Learn what’s true and possible for you, unencumbered by self-sabotage or outside influences and beliefs. Understand how everything you know and believe about yourself that causes worry, shame, discomfort, denial, fear, or longing for something better can be changed, dissolved or transformed.

Over 4 sessions, we dive in together by exploring all of your current identities (social, essential, visible, invisible, chosen, imposed). We uncover and embrace the Soul identities that are hidden or emerging, and need your support to thrive. Finish with a clear, self-created path forward.

Fee: $33 per person per 90-minute session. Minimum of 4 people at each session. If you already have a group of 5 or more, the convener or contact for your group is not included in minimum count and may attend for free if desired. 

(Also see Private Sessions)




Details on the Meditations page.


The mission of Iseeu Theater is to awaken and liberate spiritual presence in human expression.  Through the artistic practice of improvisational theater, we dissolve fear and build trust on stage, within self, and in relationship with others. This is a creative path to our collective liberation.

When spoken, Iseeu sounds like  “I See You” or “I.C.U.” – Intensive Care Unit.  The name communicates our core purpose:
to create experiences of feeling truly seen and deeply cared about
through the art, practice and performance of improvisational theater and Playback Theatre.

Iseeu Theater was founded in 2010. The initial purpose was to teach improvisation and Playback Theatre to BIPOC and other folx for public performances as a human way to share stories, listen deeply, be seen and heard, know truth, know Self, heal hearts, laugh, cry and feel loved, create meaningful connections, and express Divine Inspiration.

Iseeu Theater is currently on hiatus.


A warm Sanctuary is created for each event

Each Tonia P and Wake Up! Works event creates a warm, welcoming space and judgment-free respite from the outside world with supportive others like yourself. Discover greater self-awareness and trust using various creative explorations and spiritual reflections designed to help you identify, develop and practice the honest, authentic expression of your innate abilities and your Soul’s gifts and mission.

Hand-colored mandala with 4 lobes overlapping 4 lobes. Green and purple and turquoise.

“Take a chance, bring a friend, and it’s cool to go to this alone, as you will enter a safe and cultural “bath” that feels like a harmonious oneness with everyone in the room.” ~ Maria F., Yoga of Sound attendee.

Client Testimonials

“For all of us who don't know each other, to feel this open and safe obviously was coming from something which you and the space itself was emanating."
"This event is a wonderful vehicle for universal prayer, supreme meditation and certainly also a means to give our purity and purified intention of Love into the Earth and all of Her beings - human, animal, plant, spirit."
"Everyone seemed very involved and dedicated to the practice. This was a great community experience."

Let's make change happen!

Schedule time now to explore something new or deeper for yourself, your group or your organization.