work with me

Experiences for individuals, groups and organizations

The About page has details on the diversity of clients and organizations I’ve served.

Identity Awareness

Learn how everything you know and believe about yourself that causes worry, shame, blame, discomfort, fear or longing for something better can be changed, dissolved or expanded when you recognize and accept the Real You, unencumbered by outside influences and beliefs. (Group or Private sessions)

Inner Life Coaching

This coaching is for those who wish to evolve and change their ego-created limiting beliefs, defenses, attitudes, views, assumptions and choices to achieve peace of mind, an open heart and a more satisfying life. (Private sessions)

Divine Messages & Healing

The transmission of Divine Light messages through words and sound offers personal guidance and healing frequencies to clear and align your 5-Body system (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric/pain bodies) with your Soul’s Love-Light frequency. (Group or Private sessions)


A warm, welcoming, judgment-free respite from the outside world with supportive others like yourself. In Sanctuary, you can discover greater self-awareness and inner trust using various creative explorations and spiritual reflections for clarity about who you are and your authentic Soul expressions and mission.


I am available for public talks, readings, workshops and guest speaker engagements with topics based on my life, creative or spiritual work, my books or customized for your audience or event theme.


Are you part a group of 4 or more kindred and supportive others who want to learn or go deeper together on a regular basis? I can teach your group the basics of a successful, ongoing study group. (Group event)

For details and fees see Group Events and Private Sessions under Work With Me.

artist unknown

testimonial on the nuances of my facilitation

L.R., one of four staff observers (who asked to remain anonymous) wrote an assessment of two half-day workshops I developed and facilitated entitled “Gathering of Women: Speaking Our Minds, Claiming Our Power” for 20 African-American women undergraduate students at MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“Tonia is warm and comes across as honest, clear, and deeply supportive, with no BS.  She holds the energy of the group no matter what is happening and finds a framework where people as a group or individually can honor their own experiences while respecting everyone else’s experiences.

She held the group through moments of joy and laughter as well as disagreements and painful experiences. Tonia was the constant rock yet she danced with the spontaneous experiences no matter what they were

What I love about Tonia and the way she facilitates a group is that she is able to work with a very complex and charged set of issues within a community that is disadvantaged and disconnected on several counts.  She was able to bring the people together and help them to make connections with each other, articulate difficult challenging issues – both personal and organizational, and come up with ways of seeing things as “problems that can be solved” vs. “There’s nothing we can do about this.”

Tonia brings an empowerment approach to her facilitation. She gets us to take on a “can do” attitude that is realistic and grounded – lacking grandiosity, superficiality, or overwork.  She helped us to take realistic actions that are do-able, while somehow working with the ideals, the simple step-by-step goals, and the real constraints and limitations that are systemic challenges. She helps us to see there’s a way it can work.

People felt empowered.  Even though it was late at night after the first meeting, and students still had a lot of school work to do, they stayed around to talk for another half hour. This further fostered relationships between students, staff and needful students.

She is one of the best facilitators I have ever seen. Her love, integrity, care and skill is exemplary. She has made a critical difference in a disconnected, difficult and conflictual community and has helped us to take major steps forward in bringing everyone together for positive, real change. I wish I could learn even more from her, and I hope she opens her own coaching school soon.”

Let's make change happen!

Schedule time now to explore something new or deeper for yourself, your group or your organization.