About - Overview

Our mission is to help shift humanity’s operating paradigm from fear to Love.

See About Wake Up! Works for mission details.

Diversity of Clients & Participants

I have led consistently highly-rated subject matter trainings, sound and healing events, and improv games and theater workshops for a highly diverse and distinguished clientele.

CLIENTS have included corporations, state agencies, nonprofits, universities, community groups, school programs, children and youth programs, faith groups, spiritual groups. 

PARTICIPANTS have included incarcerated men and women, college students, university faculty, admin and staff, people with developmental differences or mental/emotional diagnoses, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist communities, spiritual seekers and practitioners, Mindfulness for middle-school students, girls age 10-14, teen leaders, women’s groups, elders, men’s dream group, veterans, unemployed professionals, BIPOC-centered topical and theatre groups, housing rights advocates, medical-support program participants, Playback Theatre artists and musicians, Birth 2012 Global (Boston) activists, and people who enjoy performances and conference workshops.

CONFERENCE TALKS and WORKSHOPS (partial list) for:

NEHRA (North East Human Resource Assn), IAPSRS (International Association for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Services), TLAN (Transformative Language Arts Network), International Playback Theater Conferences, National Conference of Native American Women, IWWG (International Women’s Writing Guild), Lesley University Wise Women Conference (Keynote speaker) & Art & Activism Conference (Prison-Work Panel), National Storytelling Network Conference, Healing and Expressive Arts Festival, Deep Democracy Conference, Grantmakers without Borders Conference, Youth Philanthropy Worldwide Conference, Dream Year Women’s Conferences, Smith College Anti-Racism Symposium for New Students.