About Wake Up! Works

“Beacon” © Steve Luker with permission.
To me, this fractal art image depicts the Inner Light that is always present within us.
It reminds us of the journey we take from the darkness of unconscious living,
to being awake and living in the Light of our Divine Presence.

Our Mission

Helping to shift humanity’s operating paradigm
from fear in all its forms to Love in all its forms.

We do this difficult but rewarding work by offering experiences, education and tools for individuals, groups, communities and organizations to transform from the inside out, and to shift internal operating paradigms from fear in all its forms, to love in all its forms.

Whether you are an individual, group member or business leader, your challenges, goals and desires are sensitively explored and heard. Then you receive the guidance, deeper understanding, support, and practices you need to re-make the foundational understandings of your life, group or business practices clear, true, strong and reliable.

What we offer

Since 2003, Wake Up! Works has been bringing people together through customized facilitation, education, coaching, consulting, creative projects and experiential events designed to inspire and empower divine connection, conscious relations, inner awareness, informed choices, authentic self-expression, honest communications and healthy relationships in the workplace, in life and within oneself.

Creation Story

I finally left a workplace that had become intolerably toxic. It began 5 years earlier as my dream job and workplace, and I left without a new job to go to (leap of faith).

Despite my experience and credentials (see About Tonia), I was not able to secure even one interview after months of applying for comparable senior management HR positions.  I finally realized that the universe was telling me it was time to step into the well-established spiritual version of myself that had been steadily growing alongside my career.  The time had come to be self-employed under my own “umbrella” which I called The Wake Up! Company.

This meant learning new mindsets and expectations for self-generated income, self-promotion, and learning the marketing skills that solopreneurship requires. It was a grueling (and undesired) mental and emotional transition from doing work for weekly paychecks to learning how to define and place a fair market value on what I offer (not too much, not too little) to make it accessible to most.

I also learned that many people judge the value of a service or product based on whether or not the price fits their definition of high, acceptable or low quality, despite what they can actually afford. I had experience in how to price The Wake Up! Company’s consulting work appropriately for organizations.  But I had to learn that while I preferred to charge little or nothing for my spiritual and creative work, that is not a sustainable, self-employment model for creating sufficient income to support the needs of my life and the instruments, supplies and equipment needed to present that work in a professional, trust-invoking way.

The most exciting and satisfying part of this transition was to develop and offer to the public all that I had learned and become professionally, creatively and spiritually.  Wake Up! Works (the new name for my work) and being The Wake Up! Artist was the next step on my spiritual path, work life and natural evolution.  

You can read the whole story in Sweet Water Shadow Woman, a memoir by Toni Kelleher.

Why Choose Wake Up! Works?

Visible Results

Learn to identify, prioritize and implement clear, true, achievable goals and new ways of thinking and being in your work, your life, and with others.

New Methods

Receive practical, creative and intuitive ways to achieve your goals and desires with clear values, goals and awareness of how these things come into your reality.

Personal Attention

Understanding who you are and what you want to achieve in your work or your life are sensitively heard and explored, leading to achieving your desired results.

Tools & Practices

Custom-designed methods, practices and templates for your unique business needs, creative expressions, life goals, or work in service to others.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) & Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

Schedule a free 20-30 minute exploratory call

Email: Office @ ToniaP.com