
Wake Up! Works 101

So, you want to know what all this Wake Up! stuff is about?  Well, you’ve come to the right place! This blog will bring you insight, personal stories and discoveries, guidance, exercises, concepts, questions and answers to help you become fully aware of the essence and Source of who and what and where you really are. More to the point – the information provided here will help you Wake Up! your consciousness!

We have to start someplace, and that place is the understanding, knowing, feeling, awareness, actually getting it, or yes – waking up to the knowing that we are an individual expression of the Source of All There Is… that we are a part of a grand whole… that we are all ONE and at the same time unique discrete vessels of the ONE.

I’ve always been intrigued by the phrase “I Am That I Am.” Who is the ‘I’? What is the ‘That’? Why doesn’t the saying stop at “I Am That”? What is important about the final “I Am”? What does this statement want me to know or understand in general, and in particular about the nature of reality and my own nature? I did some research and found out that “I Am That I Am” is a common English translation of the Hebrew Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh which is the response God gave to Moses in Exodus 3:14 when Moses asked: When the people ask for your name what should I tell them?

‘Am’ is the first person singular of the infinitive verb ‘be’. On I found the following relevant quick definitions which help to clarify the meaning of the statement “I Am That I Am” through the definitions of the verb ‘to be’: have the quality of being; have life, be alive; be identical to; be someone or something; occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; happen, occur, take place; have an existence, be extant; be identical or equivalent to; form or compose.

If the Divine Source of All There Is is the I, and if anything one can conceive of in creation is the That, then the statement means Source is | Everything | is Source. That’s a mirror statement that means the same thing on the out-breath and the in-breath, backward and forward, outside and inside, front and back, top, bottom and sides. No matter how you look at it Source is everything and everything is Source. The I is the all, the Oneness, the ONE. So, if we decide this is true, imagine what I Am That I Am means for us personally, what it means for humanity collectively, and the implications of I Am That I Am in this 3-D world of duality! Does it change the perception of reality even a little?

If I turn my attention around and metaphorically look at the Sun for a moment, I realize I Am has been there the whole time even though the clouds (of this 3-D experience) may have obscured my ability to see or even remember that it is there. Just a little something to Wake Up! our curiosity about who we are.

More to come… In The ONE . . .

Breath is the Presence of Creator


Let us acknowledge and support each other in the practice of Presence – which is living and having our attention on what is in front of us in the now moment as much as possible. 
The present or now moment is where our Soul can be found and our Soul is our direct connection to and line of communication with Divine Source – no middleman or expert needed. 
Being focused in the present moment as much as possible, and not giving our attention or energy to any fear-driven, ego/mind/thoughts/memories or media, is the only place we can find the peace of mind, inner truth, guidance or joy we may seek or need. 

Being in Presence is the only place we can access our healing and creative abilities and our gifts of Spirit. (See List of Abilities in the Veil of Unknowing chapter of Ego and Essence)
Being in Presence starts with putting our attention on each breath in and out – which is the breath of Creator allowing this physical body to live and have experiences.

We are being called more strongly than ever this coming year to focus and rely on our inner connection to the Divine as much as we possibly can so that we can lift ourselves, this planet and humanity into the Love frequency emanation of the Source of All There Is. Despite all the chaos in the world or in our lives, as more and more Light penetrates the unconsciousness of humanity, we have to hold steady and strong like Lighthouses on the rocky shores. We must be in balance internally and know that we are all embodied emanations of Creator here to help Nova Gaia shift more easily into the higher frequency she is moving into. And we are too.

Here’s the hard part . . . to be in the world while holding the Love-Light-Wisdom-Truth-Peace beam bright and steady; but not of the world, drawn into or reacting to the negativity and darkness that is trying so hard to maintain the old fear-based paradigm and status quo by resisting this unavoidable, oceanic wave of change into the new paradigm of love. 

Every time we let people, or the world, or our egos pull us into fear, negativity or ignorance, we have forgotten who we are and why we’re here.
So go back to your breath again and again. 
Give thanks that the Creator is always present within us and our breath is that reminder.

If you would like to be with a group of people who do this practice and world service, consider joining our Transmission Meditation group.  Contact me for details.

Cognitive Dissonance

November 9 2024

The process and results of the 2024 presidential election caused many of us (in the U.S. and abroad) to experience cognitive dissonance.  We also witnessed countless projections, perhaps without being able to name them that way. As I listened to various comments, I heard them as the self-concepts and beliefs of the speakers being projected onto and assigned to others.  My internal radar reported the vibrational resonance or dissonance frequencies of the candidates, which ultimately guided my choice. A choice that came from my Soul perspective rather than from my human mind looking outside for reasons to make the “right choice” for president.

Yesterday, while cleaning up my emails, I came across this comment that was posted in August 2024 in response to my book release announcement for Ego and Essence: A User Guide for the Soul:

When you become “Drama Free” I’ll read your book!

My only reaction to the comment was “Wow, really?” Then I saw the person’s tagline under their name:

Where Elders are Honored for their Vibrant Existence.

Then I thought, “This is a good example of projection and cognitive dissonance.”

Had I not seen the tagline I would have simply moved on, but I experienced cognitive dissonance between what was written and what the tagline said. I concluded that elders (which I am) are only “honored for their Vibrant Existence” if they meet the personal expectations and acceptability standards of the writer’s judgment.

I share this with you because the comment was a useful illustration of a projection, where one’s inner state, behavior or belief is seen in another but not recognized in oneself, otherwise another kind of comment might have been written. The tagline produced cognitive dissonance in my mind when seen in the context of the comment.

If the comment had said this: When I become “Drama Free” I’ll read your book, that would have been an honest, self-reflection. Then I might have replied, if you read the book and practice the exercises, you can become drama free much more quickly. But because the person, or more specifically their egoic self, is expecting and waiting for me to become drama free, this projection ensures that they never have to read the book or take responsibility for their own drama making.

When we are able to see things from our Soul’s perspective, we can experience what people and the world have to offer without feeling victimized or being affected internally in a negative or upsetting way.

Yes, emotions may arise but they do not define us. Our emotions are vibrational frequencies that show us what does and does not resonate with our preferred state of being. When a person or group feels that their beliefs must be imposed on others “for your own good” without regard for the differing perspectives, experiences and beliefs of those others, it causes cognitive dissonance between stated values such as “liberty and justice for all” and actions to the contrary.  However, when our human self relies on the Soul for perspective, it does not have to trigger a fear-based response when that dissonance happens.

We have been called to step into and live from our sovereign divinity where personal power, authority and ability to discern truth and benevolence is available to us, at all times, without needing others to comply with our wishes or demands in order for us to feel safe, satisfied or complete.

I wrote Ego and Essence: A User Guide for the Soul to share what I’ve learned internally and what I practice daily to help all of us know and live from our inner state of Soul Essence, freedom and knowing that nothing in the human world can touch us unless we choose it. 

You can read a discussion of projections from a Soul perspective on pages 74-75 of the Ego chapter and pages 124-125 of the Intuition chapter; and more about cognitive dissonance on pages 187-189 of the Integrity chapter. 

The two trains and splitting of timelines

November 11 2024

This is a message I channeled from Archangel Michael, a helpful metaphysical perspective for this post-presidential election time.


This is Archangel Michael on behalf of the legions of Heaven,

I bring this message to you for your understanding about what is now happening spiritually and energetically. I want you to know that you have entered the split of timelines for Earth. Earth has ascended into the 5th dimension of love, truth, compassion and joy in service to others. The timeline you are now leaving – but can still see in your outer world – will remain for those souls who choose fear and warfare, suffering and ignorance over love without conditions for all beings.

Imagine that you are on a train, a soul train of your choosing for the destination you desire of harmony, love, joy, creativity, freedom, benevolence, care and collaboration. There is another train next to your train with those who wish to go back in time to repeat experiences that have already happened.

Your soul train is moving toward what is considered the unknown by your human mind. The ego train is moving into what the collective ego wishes to maintain. The cost of your train ticket requires you to enter into unwavering inner trust that, in each moment, the Divine is guiding you into the higher frequencies of your soul self while you still inhabit your body. The cost of the ego train ticket requires strict adherence to fear-based beliefs, resistance to change, and fear-based actions toward others.

God knows how to run and guide the soul train for your highest good and divine purpose. God allows the ego train to continue on its desired track through the gift of free will to its passengers.  These two trains, that contain the whole of humanity, are now leaving the station.

There are possibilities that individuals on these trains can make a last-minute jump to the other train if they so choose, but they must also be able to pay the cost of the ticket, unwavering trust in the Divine or unwavering trust in the fear the ego generates.

Soon, the tracks will sufficiently diverge and there will be no further opportunities to choose differently. Why?  Because the soul train’s destination exists at a frequency that must be matched or exceeded by the passengers or they – their consciousness – will not be able to exist in that frequency.

What you see around you, through the higher frequency of your soul, is the divided world you are leaving. You may still see the world as it is through the media and the opinions of others.  But, you can live within it in a way that will not affect you as long as you remain in and return to that inner trust.

Do not embrace and nurture fear about what will happen to you and your loved ones. That inner trust is a magnet that draws you to the loving heart of All That Is. Fear is a magnet that draws you to the distortions of the ego. Understand this. While you may feel fear, anger, worry, hurt, and other lower vibrational emotions, let them pass through you and return to your trust. It is when you hold on to them and nurse them with stories about why they are justified you are paying for the ticket to the ego train.

Do not wonder or worry how this shift and split of the tracks will happen. Your job is to stay on the soul train by nurturing your connection with Creator through your own soul essence and your human self’s trust. You will slowly discover that you are only encountering people and situations that are riding on your soul train with you. Then you will notice that the world is more compatible, that your government is more compassionate, that your desires are more easily manifested because you have internally moved out of the frequency of duality (the ego’s domain) and into the frequency of oneness (God’s domain). 

Do not judge others or yourself. Your family and friends will remain with you or relinquish their seat, as they choose. Remain open hearted. This is the ride of your life and that of your Mother Earth. God can do all things and those who choose the ego train will be fine. They will have the opportunity to live in a world, an alternate world from the one you have chosen, where they can play out more of the permutations of ego that exist without harming those, like you, who have chosen differently.

Keep your focus on your inner condition as you go through your daily activities. Allow darkness and fear to rise to the surface of your conscious mind, thank them for their service and lessons about what you do and do not want to experience any more, then release them to God. Remember that people will show you through their words and actions what still remains in your system to be released. When uncomfortable or unwanted thoughts and feelings come to the surface, your job is to acknowledge and release them (path of trust) and not seek to retaliate or get even (path of ego).

You are in a time when what was hidden from you for tens of thousands of years is being revealed. The hidden truths about what God is, what Creation is, that God lives in all aspects of its creation and cannot be removed by manmade thoughts, beliefs and laws to the contrary.

Your body is a vessel for divinity to have a human experience. That human experience has run its course. The old ways are fighting to continue. The new ways and new revelations are well established in your heart and the hearts of millions of people on Earth. For those who choose peace, they will have peace. For those who choose division and domination, they will have division and domination, but not on your train.

Stay strong in your trust that God has your back and “has prepared a safe place for you in the presence of your opponents.” So, you may continue to see the 3-D world for a while but you do not have to be a part of it. Your trust will lead you to your Heaven on Earth, the New Earth of your making.

And so it is.