Are you yearning for a quieter mind, real love you can feel, responsive relationships, or a more vibrant, soul-filled life?

Welcome to Tonia P Wake Up! Works

I can guide you in how to open your awareness and acceptance of the truth of who you are as a Divine Being in a human body.

Together we can be active participants in creating a more conscious and caring world by shifting internally from fear to Love through the experience of knowing ourselves deeply and living with the awareness of Divine Presence within.

Are you “sick and tired” of feeling alone, scared, sick or tired of living like this?

It doesn't have to be that way . . .

Let me show you how your limiting beliefs and patterns were created.

Then you can change or discard them releasing self-acceptance, inner freedom, balanced health, and outer expressions of your true innate Soul nature, gifts and abilities.

Work with me to identify and dismantle the sources of your fears and patterns so you can learn to stop judging or molding yourself to fit the opinions of others and how they treat you.

When you understand the purpose of fear, you can master your thoughts and emotions and ignite trust in your intuition.

Then you can relax into living from your true Soul self without fear, anxiety or looking “out there” for love and acceptance. 

shared with permission

Allow me to expand your understanding about why you are the way you are, and why you may not fit into society’s expectations.

Then you can live and evolve with your unique Soul purpose, inner authority and self-acceptance while also having compassion for those who are challenged by who you are – another joyful expression of Source!

Work with me to help you

master and live a Soul-directed,
drama-free life!

Individual and group offerings to fit your needs.

Begin your Soul-in-Body education by reading...

Ego & Essence
A User Guide for the Soul

This is your personal “Vehicle Owner’s Manual” where the vehicle is your physical body-mind-ego, and the owner is you as Soul Essence. 

Imagine having a manual that reveals how to live on Earth with more awareness and ability to know how you, people and the world work?  The “being human on Earth” magician’s tricks and illusions have been revealed for what they are, so you don’t have to be tricked by them anymore!

This Guide is for people of any age (children to elders), race, class, ethnicity, culture, orientation or ability who think or know they have a Soul.

It gives you the keys to understanding how your physical body was designed to work for you.  Learn to be all that you came here to be without inner or outer restrictions.

Check out the 5-minute pre-publication introductory video

Client Testimonials

“We were in sacred time and sacred space and we intuitively recognized your ability to "hold" all our different processes. Thank you for creating such a beautiful safe space.”
T.K., Somerville MA
"I came to heal my knee which is a little bit better. But my nervous system, I can’t get over how much calmer I am. That seemed to have happened during the healing, which is amazing, and I’m so happy with it! I’m much, much calmer and I don’t get upset like I had been. Everything’s good. Thank you!"
C.T., Randolph MA
"...Throughout the next morning I caught myself having negative thoughts, like telling myself I was overwhelmed or I did not have the confidence I once had. I was struck by my awareness of how I had been repeating these thoughts to myself for quite some time without even noticing I was doing it! The affirmations we spoke the evening before suddenly revealed their purpose. Now the positive thoughts are flowing freely."
D.F., MA

Get to Know

Tonia Pinheiro (Tone’-ya Peen-yay’-row) is The Wake Up! Artist and founder of Wake Up! Works (2003), which is a certified minority- and woman-owned business in Massachusetts. 

Tonia works with organizations, groups and individuals who want to live and work more authentically, create positive relationships, build caring communities, and live a more soul-guided conscious life. 

Let's talk

Schedule a free exploratory call with Tonia to explore your next steps for living your Soul-inspired life.